
By DramaQueen

I’m pressed

Today was my physio appointment, (hence the Sporty Spice vibe!) and it went really well.

We started off with my shoulder; I confessed I’ve not done the exercises he gave me but he admitted he was being ambitious when he suggested them. My shoulder is so stiff, he’s agreed best to leave it well alone until after I’ve treatment on it.

Onto the leg next and same as last time, he’s really pleased with how well I’m doing. The things I could do better just aren’t possible until they’ve adjusted (or removed) the frame.

He said he wanted to test my strength today and I actually did better with most things on my bad leg!
The last time I saw him, I was able to leg press my body weight with the good leg but couldn’t even move the footplate with my bad leg with minimal weight.
Today I managed 2 sets of 8 reps of 15kg with the bad leg so I’m really pleased with that (even if I did get bambi legs by the end of them!)

There always has to be something I make hard work though and today that was the cross trainer.
I got on it ok and we started to move, but then I got stuck!! Bizarrely (and the physio said he’s never seen anyone do this before) I was putting all my weight through the bad leg! My brain just couldn’t comprehend the need to flex my foot and ‘tiptoe’ to do the rotation; so this is something I’m going to try and work on at home.
Far from being negative about it, he said said it shows how confident I am to weight bear, so again not a bad thing but frustrating that I couldn’t do it.

He feels there’s little else he can do for me until the frame comes off, so I’ve to keep up the good work at home until that happens.
If in the meantime I get my shoulder sorted, I can book back with him for that, so it’s just a waiting game now.

After all that I’m knackered....but happy! :-)

DQ x

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