Lillies are Back

I always used to have Lillies in the fireplace but stopped putting them when Bella came along incase she ate them. Buts she more sensible now so since tidying up the fireplace I thought Id try again. The sun was shining on them this morning and they looked quite delightful.

Mr W and Bella have gone off for the day to see Lady Linda.  I had a Zoom chat with a lady who advertised Will services. As soon as Mr W left, I gathered up some paperwork I thought I might need. To cut a long storey short - I can't do a single will that includes property as we are "joint tenants" so I do have to try and get Mr W on board. It didn't go well when I tried 2 years ago!! Thats a horrible feeling. She suggested I broached the conversation with him to say we need to protect the estate from Care home fees. 

God I hate legal stuff. 

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