loco viejo


The Smooting

Snoozed on and off from 4am while listening to another cricketing disaster in India. Then before Mike left at 10.30ish we did a circuit of the village - the sun came out towards the end of our walk. This is The Smooting, a word apparently meaning "a narrow passageway" - there's a more famous lane of this name in Tealby about 10 miles away... I was sort of hoping it might come from the same origin as the word "smut" and be related to illicit goings on (though with a meaning like that perhaps it does :O)... rather like the house in Bardney Dairies where a customer lives - it's called Mince Pie Cottage, which sounds fine and sweet, but... apparently it comes from the 2nd world war when airmen used to land at the nearby airbase and go to this cottage for "mince pie", allegedly a euphemism for certain activities... Anyway...
Heart failure nurse Jo came to see me - due to a bit of fluid in my lower legs and too fast pulse, she's increasing some of my tablet dosage... She also said MRI results usually take a few weeks to come through...
Did a bit of phoning (no sales), then watched a couple of football matches, the latter one yet another dismal loss by my formerly almost unbeatable team... Sport not doing a good job of cheering me up, though at least I got to watch with BGCoffee so that was sociable at least.

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