Lean on me
Thank you for all your kind messages yesterday. It wasn't an easy day.
After I had blipped, I started to clear up where Oscar had his "accident" in the spare bedroom. He had not weed in the wardrobe, but had soaked the duvet and the things on top of it. (I'd been sorting out balls of wool for a charity knitting project.) Worst of all, my iPad was on the bed and was almost floating in a sea of you know what!
I dried it and cleaned it and dried it.
It worked. Phew!
This morning it would not take a charge and cleaning the contacts has not worked. Now I am without my iPad. Not exactly a major deprivation, except I'm very attached to it!
Oscar shouted every few seconds during the night. I stayed up until 0130 to try to persuade him to take his meds, but he did not want food and I failed.
This morning he did take a syringeful of painkiller directly into his mouth. You could have knocked me over with a feather, but the rest of the day he has hid away and been elusive.
Margaret (across the road) did some shopping for me and brought in tasty moist food and some Lick-e-lix. Finally this evening he took his antibiotic and then I found him snuggled up with Daisy on HER seat. I'm not sure how happy she was about this.
I had a couple of hours sleep this afternoon and have felt generally shattered. Gone are the years at work when I was up regularly to do home visits for night time emergencies. I don't cope with the broken sleep now. (I am a bit older of course!)
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