
I was going to do something for World Book Day. I even had a book ready. But this morning we received some photos from our daughter and I knew I wanted to use this one. Maisie was twelve today and we were all sent photos of her opening her presents. Of course she received her main present from us a while back, her laptop, which she loves and she really needed then. But we did send her a parcel with some books . . . and Cluedo.

When the family were last here, Maisie surprised us by being very good at Cluedo, but then she is proving to have a logical mind, is good at maths and loves puzzling things out. So, one can see why she likes games like Cluedo. She was pleased to receive it and in the picture is probably wondering why it looks different from the games she has played before. It is a new edition and I set her the task of finding out which character has been left out, which character has replaced them and why.

Another picture which was sent (see extra) was the birthday cake her mother and sister made. Now, bearing in mind this was 8.28 am, I think all of them enjoyed a great breakfast! Then they all went off for Home Schooling - our daughter to deliver lessons, the girls to receive them from their teachers. 

On Saturday we are taking part in a special activity, not unrelated to this blip. 

Update 1 - cable has arrived in the village and is being laid.
Update 2 - the new Appleby Co-op is finished and is opening tomorrow. 

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