Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2258. TP-Link

Today’s technology-themed image is one of two WiFi range extenders that we have in our home.  This one is placed near the front door as we have an outside Hive camera at the door which now works really well but initially the signal was a bit poor to get effective video from the camera.
We recently bought another one for our bedroom as there seems to be a dead zone on one side of the room where the signal is always poorer...but now it seems to be fine.  They are fiddly to set up and the app got very confused because they are the same name and model so I had to try and set it up as a second one, which I did manage eventually!

We certainly have come a long way with WiFi from the old dial up days (which weren’t really that long ago) and in my old house in Elgin my ex actually hard wired the house so we could use our desktop in the kitchen and also for my youngest in his bedroom.

I really don’t know how we would manage without Internet access now as almost everything seems to be Internet-enabled...even our electric toothbrush came with a blue tooth dongle to connect it to an app on the phone...which I have to say I left in the box!

I do periodically check how many devices we have connected to our hub and apart from the three Ethernet-cabled ones we seem to have about 16!

My eldest bought me a Google Nest Speaker for Christmas and my hubby liked it so he bought another one for the lounge and then I decided it would be good to stream music in the bedroom too...so we now have three!  I am quite sure that it listens to us all the time (a bit like Siri does on my phone!) and goodness knows what Google make of the conversations.....mind you it has been asked a few really silly questions over the time we’ve had it!

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