
By simisue

IT RAINED! But Not Here

Today is the day after my 2nd MODERNA
COVID VACCINE, & I planned to relax all day.
However, as soon as I awoke, the day
took off like a rocket. It’s a good thing I felt amazingly well, because a problem arose even before I had my coffee. It needed immediate attention.

It was a miracle, that the repair men arrived at 10:30 & made the repair; which turned out to be a simple, fix. Now all is well.

It was supposed to rain today, but we only
received a mist. The heavy rain & hail moved south of us. Late in the day, I heard the Hawk in the pine tree behind our house & saw this sky. It did not bring rain, but was a welcome sight.

So, I expected the day to proceed in a certain way, but it did not. It did not matter because I felt much better than planned.

A lazy, rainy day may come along soon.

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