Abbey hunting

Lazy morning, bit of wine training for Mike, bit of phoning (no sales), then went 'abbey hunting' - first Tupholme Abbey near Bardney (extra), interesting "multi-ruin" where a C.17th cottage (far left) and then C.19th farmhouse (far right) had both used the remaining abbey wall as a sort of protection from the North-East wind (which was gentle but bitter today); then to Barlings Abbey (only remains pictured), originally a very grand structure. There were clearly abbeys all over the local landscape, not sure why this area in particular had such a profusion - and whether the local yellowbellies were particularly devout, or perhaps the opposite, thus needing greater ecclesiastical presence...
Home to watch Mike's Villa team lose to bottom of the table Sheffield United - at least I was able to empathise with his sporting misery!
Mike leaves tomorrow (today) - hope I'm able to deal OK with the inevitable sadness that will ensue...

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