
1. My bedside table, at 07:23, this morning. Phone charger; watch, charging; Strepsils (from God knows when: months and months ago); a 'Snark' tuning device; my glasses; a dish that the Minx brought me some vitamins in, yesterday morning; a book from Bob (David Baddiel's 'Jews Don't Count'); what might be an old phone; and a hardback recent reprint of Brian Eno's 'A Year With Swollen Appendices' (which is excellent).

2. Me, at 07:42, inside a t-shirt, featuring my brother, Wol, standing outside the apostrophe-shy Salford Lads Club, as immortalised by The Smiths on the inside cover of 'The Queen Is Dead'. I think my daughters gave me the t-shirt but Wol might have done, tbh.

3. The Gazebo in the churchyard at St Mary's, at 08:13. "Late C18 or early C19. Two storeys, octagonal. Squared rubble, watershot to basement. Quoins, sill band and coping. Raised entrance on flying steps with railings. Doorway and three windows on alternate faces, all round headed with plain stone surrounds, impost blocks and keystones. Now topped off with cement blocks in imitation of battlements. Originally part of Vicarage garden. In early C19 it had a steep pyramidal roof (Annals)."

4. We were out walking as part of the Minx's March project. I had a couple more layers on over the top of the t-shirt featuring my brother, as well as a scarf and gloves, plus we had coffee in takeaway mugs. We walked down to the market square, then went along Jingling Lane and Back Lane to the church yard, and out the far side to Ruskin's view (at 08:15).

5. Mitchelgate, 13:07. After walking down to the Post Office and the greengrocer's, we came back up Mitchelgate. This one room wide, two bedroomed cottage, over three stories can be yours for £225k. But hurry; I took this photo in an attempt to convince a friend to move here :-)

Five photos, five candidates. I figure the bedside table will be the one that catches my attention as I skim through my Blips in years to come.

Reading: About to start that Baddiel book.

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