That's why the lady's a lamp
This Venus "statue" (it's plastic, does that mean it's still a statue?) is all I have left of a "rain lamp" I bought second hand in the late 80s? (when They Might Be Giants loomed large in my life - hence she got the name you see here).
I think the lamp was from the 70s or 80s. I used to have a lot of kitsch in my life, most of it cheap so it's all broken now. This lamp was one of my centrepieces.
I was going to describe her in great detail but then did a quick search and... a picture (and youtubes) speak a thousand words.
Anyway, mine ran out of oil and, without the aid of the internet, I tried to fix the lamp and pump but failed, so I threw it all out except for her. It stank anyway (as in it did not smell good).
She lurks in our fairy garden. I like to think she's never been happier.
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