jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Look Mummy, I'm doing FOUR!

The boys helped me make a spring garland this evening after tea. Lots of bits of tissue paper and wool fluff floating around. Bear demanded to help too, he sat in his highchair and splatted some tissue into position on the sticky plastic, then demanded pencils and paper and proceeded to eat crayons. Bean made three of these suncatcher type flowers, and coloured in and stuck more bits on (with glue) on the cutout insides. He enjoyed himself. Bear made two! I must hang them up tomorrow.

I didn't think we'd get round to making them to be honest. Bean followed his daddy into the office this morning and spotted the scalectrix we'd inherited and begged to play with it, so that's been out most of the day!

Bear bless him was tired well before lunchtime so I took him out for a walk to the shop for a sleep but he didn't sleep a great deal. I thought this would make the afternoon and bedtime horrendous (especially as Steve was out) but apart from getting really jealous every time I hugged or cuddled Bean he managed pretty well.

Homemade welshcakes and fresh chips for tea, I'll deal with the fruit and veg intake tomorrow!

We also made a set of ten (well, eleven) green bottles, to stick on the wall. We're doing some maths work: Bean has been trying to count down from ten and getting cross because he gets in a muddle so we're going to use the ten green bottles song to help us learn :) Kinda unintentionally starting the home educating early! But who am I to stop him learning, if his interest is caught. That's one of the biggest reasons I have for wanting to home educate.

And bedtime: third night in a row putting the boys to bed in their own room. Last night Bear woke up just as we were going to sleep, and had woken Bean up by the time Steve stumbled down the hall to get him so we had them both in our bed from the off. Still, it was nice to get into a spacious bed! This evening though the Bear has stayed asleep!! Instead it was Bean who woke up and made us chuckle as he careered down the hall barely awake enough to stay in control of his legs. Amazingly he had only a quick milky cuddle and then was very agreeable about going back to sleep in his own room, because it wasn't my bedtime yet. (As in, the lights were still on in our bedroom!!) And the Bear sleeps on. Hurrah :)

I'm going to attempt to fall asleep in the starfish position.

Just because I can!!

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