
By Grammy

Come Swing With Me

The sky was bright and blue today even though the temps were still in the 30s. Had the big swing been available, I would have joined this little fellow in his carefree play. The guys went for a short ATV ride and my sister did a bit of rock shopping with the side by side. I entertained my grand dog Sugar after sleeping in until 11:00 am. My BP decided to go haywire again so I was up most of the night. This evening it is in the normal range so maybe it was responding to pain when it shot up. We made good progress on our craft project. We need a few more supplies from town before they will be finished. My brother-in-law made chili, rice and cornbread, another perfect winter meal and the girls had the night off, again. Pitch in and ease someone’s load; you’ll both feel good about it. Thanks for the visits.

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