Fritillary Stamens

Not much time today. The nurse practitioners at the DVT clinic at Leicester Royal Infirmary are not convinced I have a DVT. It could be that it's the remains of the previous blood clot slowing down blood circulation. I in turn remain unconvinced. l have to return on Thursday morning for a scan which should clarify what is wrong. Bloods, lots of them, were taken.

The most positive thing about the visit was that they discovered I'd lost one kg since I was last weighed in September. Most people have put on one kg.

On returning home, I knuckled down to the task of contacting all the camera club members to verify their contact information. I still haven't finished.

Chilly today. I put my long johns on for my walk with Basil. Nothing like having the right clothing for a cold day. And a grey one too.

An M&S beef lasagne for supper. Excellent. Now watching a talk by Pauline Martindale on her travels through Canada thanks to camera club.

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