Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Feeling under the weather

Diana, Rachel and Rosina have all gone to Darlington for the weekend for Diana's aunt and uncles 50th wedding anniversay, leaving Matthew and I to fend for ourselves. We invited Ross round for dinner and to play poker. Cooked a Greek psta dish with a shoulder of lamb that I have been wanting to try for some time. Can't do it when the ladies are here as none of them eat lamb. It was very nice. One to do again in future.

Never got round to playing poker - spent too long chatting. A very pleasant evening.

Tomorrow is Matthew's last day with us for about 6 months. He leaves for France late Sunday night and doesn't return until September. He is driving down without an overnight stop - 700+ miles from Calais. As if that is not enough, he has not been feeling too well today. At best, he has a cold coming on. I do hope he feels better tomorrow.

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