
There’s a forgotten nature reserve just off Lichfield’s northern by pass. It’s called Christian Fields and there’s a disputed historical tragedy (an ancient massacre) which gives it the name.

The council tried building a pretty pond and putting wooden sculptures and benches. They were soon damaged and nobody seems to care these days. There’s litter (mainly coke cans and crisp packets) and there’s no pruning or maintenance done as far as you can see. 

I visit because it’s a wonderful place for butterflies in the summer, but I’ve run back to the car a couple of times when I’ve been unsure about things going on. (A weird photo shoot once etc etc)

It was gloomy and dismal weather but I hadn’t been there for a while and decided to check it out. It was worse than usual.  The official sign boards had stickers on ( mainly cynical and against Covid measures). In the next door burial ground they were using a big mechanical digger for graves. 

It seemed quite grim but I walked round. Surprisingly, there was a sole bird feeder in the middle of a patch of scruffy woodland. 

The locals were making the most of it. I love nuthatches and long tailed tits. There was life amidst the gloom.......

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