
My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Caro is determined that Punky will not escape "Cattaca". 

She did crack over the weekend and said, "Maybe we should just get him a collar with a tag on it and then let him roam free."

But I reminded her of two things:

- Punky is a little ruffian who would probably beat up all the neighbourhood cats if he got loose.
- How in the f*** are we supposed to get a collar on him??

So instead, Caro has beefed up the baffle. It is now TWO baffles. On EACH tree!

It seems to have foiled Punky. For now, anyway. Look, I fully expect him to pull a "Papillon" on us at some point, but at least this has scuppered his Colditz Story plans for now. 


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