
Alternative title is ‘the good, the bad and the angry’!!!

A day that I wouldn’t want to repeat for a while. The blip has the items that I’ve finished off recently, the hedgehog cushion was the last one, today’s challenge. The William Morris pictures will have to wait until the shops open to get frames that will fit. The rabbit was a body and two legs until last weekend, found in a bag.

I got a text from the hospital this afternoon with an appointment in April to see the cardiologist in Lincoln. I have one next week, so was this a second one or what!!! I rang the appointments dept, spent 20 minutes on hold, going from 21 in the queue to 5, when I was cut off. I rang back and was put through directly and found out that next week’s appointment has been cancelled and the new one replaces it. The cancellation will be notified by post !!! #%*. 

I was cross, an understatement!!! I’ve been waiting to be seen since last September, when my appointment with Leicester was a changed to a telephone consultation. I was due to come off a medicine that reduces my pulse rate, but only a consultant can authorise this. It has now dropped it to 60, with episodes when it drops to 52 -54 and makes me very tired and I just have to sleep.

I was angry, cried, stomped round the kitchen, then had a big hug from a very confused B who hadn’t been party to the event. 

Then into a ‘woman on a mission mode’, rang the local private hospital to enquire about their services. I now have a face to face appointment with the same consultant, 10 days after my cancelled appointment. I had expected to have to ask my GP for a referral letter, but no, not required. I have all my Leicester paperwork and the nouse to explain what the problem is!!! 

I’m not usually demanding or stroppy, but a ‘girl’ can be pushed only so far!!! 

I do appreciate that these are difficult times, but .....

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