
By lassoothemoon

Westminster Bridge

After a busy morning making a vat of soup and a batch of double choccie muffins (mmm), I met a friend, C, for lunch in town. Her dad and my mum were neighbours in Ireland, and we lived opposite her family when we were kids. After a gap of 20 years+ she made contact with me last year completely out of the blue, which was kinda nice.

After saying goodbye to her I popped into the British Museum and was blown away by the Ice Age art exhibition currently on there. Some of the exquisite artefacts are 40,000 years old .... I can barely comprehend that time span!

Then I walked to Westminster Bridge to take a few light trail shots. I was told to push off by two security guards when I went to set up my tripod on the embankment by County Hall. Private property , no tripods allowed. Has anyone else come across this? But I found a better spot the other side of the bridge.

Note to self, next time don't wear Converse trainers taking night shots in winter. My tootsies were freezing!!

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