The Hotspur Press

This fine brick building is part of what was originally called Medlock Mills, after the river Medlock, which runs through this part of Manchester. By the end of the nineteenth century, it was no longer part of the cotton industry and the building was run as a printing works, owned by the Percy Brothers whose name you can see on the roof.

From what I can find out online - and I really need to talk to Simon about this - the building remained as printing works all through twentieth century before being converted to artists' studios, which must have been wonderful. Inevitably, though, it was sold a few years ago to developers.

I was 'round that area today as I went for a walk with my third daughter, Izzy. I'm not sure how much I talked about it on here but she had asymptomatic coronavirus at Christmas, followed by pleurisy arising from that, which, whilst underreported, is apparently not uncommon in young people who've had the virus.

Last week, her chest pains got worse and she went into A&E, where they found blood clots on her lungs. Again, she was told by the doctor that this isn't uncommon in young people who've had the virus: why isn't this being reported anywhere?

Anyway, she's had antibiotics and she's on blood thinners, now, but she's frustrated that she can't exercise. She's only just able to go for a walk.

Despite all that, she was, as usual, excellent company and I was glad to see her. Somehow, actually being in her company was a lot more reassuring than chatting to her over the phone and FaceTime.

Reading: Nothing yet (which is mad given the number of unread books I have!)

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