The place runs through me

It was another day of waking to sun flooding my bedroom and the kitchen. I had made my decision but all the heartstrings were twanging. It was a glorious day so I headed out for a walk up Fusedale and bizarrely the only person I met was a man from my village. We didn’t know each other but when we got talking we realised all the crossovers and many more and the conversation ranged from the weather, of course, to bees, to holy wells, of course, to village history, connections to my old job and people we both knew, the Veneerings, of course, he’d bought his house from my landlord’s father over 30 years ago, and so it went on, until we headed on our separate ways, he was a charming chap and I wondered if this was designed to make it all harder.
On the way back I gathered my first wild garlic of the year and made a pesto for my soup.

Meanwhile, Bob (extra) has been unsettled too, he had been listening to some music and found it recalled some sketchy memories of early doctrinal influences ...

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