Flowers in the sun

A gradually improving day - I went out after lunch for a litter pick after hearing that there was some broken glass up at McCaig's Tower. Some lout had smashed a drink bottle right in front of one of the seats at the Viewing Platform. How can people be so thoughtless! There was broken glass on Star Brae and on Jacob's Ladder too - all these places where kids and dogs regularly walk. Had a long chat with neighbour Margaret who was out doing a bit of gardening. 

These crocuses were growing on a bank along Taylor's Brae - there was a lot more of them. I imagine that they were planted by my friend Peter who lives on the other side of the footpath. I could see him down at the bottom of his sloping garden playing with his cat - I called and tho' he didn't hear me his cat did!

I called in to the car park at the old Rockfield School - always plenty of rubbish to pick up there. I met a lady from Seattle who now lives in Oban and is involved in the new Rockfield Centre which should be opening before too long after major renovation. We discussed the garden and I may have got myself involved with a potentially lovely flower meadow there! It may not be big, but it could be beautiful!

Quote of the Day:

William Shakespeare –"When daisies pied and violets blue,  And lady's-smocks all silver white, And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue, Do paint the meadows with delight." 

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