
8:30pm and ironing shirts. And the weeWeir's clothes.

A day of emotions all 'round.

Quick dog walk, then leading worship at KCC. It was tough at times, but something that costs you to give is more valuable. Grateful for friends who walk the journey with us.

Home for a quick bite with the weeWeir.

Then to get my Dad and clear out the almost-final things from my Grandad's house. I may not be back in there again, a house I enjoyed visiting weekly, fortnightly and then less frequently as I grew older.

Familiar smells, familiar surroundings, but soon to pass into the hands of someone new. Gladly release it to them (the house owes us nothing) but poignant recognising the moment.


Owing to a late-found enjoyment of the Goon Show in my pre-teen years, I had a real idolisation of Peter Sellers' ability to deliver character. Then I read Roger Lewis' book and as ever, part of the idol's true nature was exposed.

The Wrong Arm of the Law is still a great film of the era.


The grass withers, the wildflowers fade,
if God so much as puffs on them.
Aren't these people just so much grass?
True, the grass withers and the wildflowers fade,
but our God's Word [or promises] stands firm and forever.
(Isaiah 40:8)

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