I realised last year (our first spring in this house) there were no daffs in the garden, so last autumn I planted some. They're just opening now, I love the burst of colour.
Today we went to the Potato Day held by the Dunblane Allotment Society. We got a few seed tatties of 4 different varieties (one early, one salad, one main crop and one speciality) so will have to get them out chitting. We bought a few other seed packets as well (I know we already have loads, but it was just too tempting!). Amongst other things I bought some quinoa seeds, as they are native to South America I'm not sure what they'll think of Scotland, but nothing ventured as they say! I also potted up a rooted blackcurrant bush cutting that someone from our allotments had donated, and repotted some houseplants which have needed doing for months.
Now I'm having a bit of a break from essay marking, but after dinner I'll be back to it. I know the students get really tired by the end of the courses (they're each 9 months long), but so do I - I'm looking forward to my 3 months off with no marking!
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