
By lauriin


I went to my sister Claire's house after dinner tonight to give her my receipt for my parcel at the post office so she can collect it for me tomorrow whilst I'm at work. Yesterday Liam carried this toad all the way home after he played basketball and begged Claire to let him keep it in a tub for me to take pictures of when I popped round. I think it's blind in one eye (this is the side you can't see it on) it's all covered in blood and I think there's a big hole in its eye. Look for yourself! Maybe a bird pecked at it?

After being at Claire's house for a while I went to my other sister Karen's house and had to walk around helping my nephew Darren to rollerblade. He's only ever done it once with two skates on but I think he only got as far as the front door step. He fell quite a lot, luckily I was holding on tight but he did really well and by the time I was going home he was being brave enough to let go off the fences.

1 more day to work and then I have a week off, I can't wait!

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