Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat


A very exciting moment today as we finally crossed over the border into Victoria.  This was the fourth time I had planned to visit the granddaughters who have been very brave during the numerous and sustained lockdowns that the Victorian have had to endure over the past 12 months.  ME and I are staying at a beautiful camp site in Beechworth tonight and late this afternoon we walked the 3km into town.  This little cottage really personifies what Beechworth is all about.  A village full of beautiful historic cottages.  This was my favourite and I just might have to try and book in there at some stage.  We’re off to the beautiful little town of Bright tomorrow (via Myrtleford).  I have my fingers crossed that the cafe that used to bake the best scones ever is still in business.  Wish me luck :)

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