The Woodpecker Sings
The Woodpecker Sings
The Woodpecker sings,
In a tune we don't follow.
Pecking endlessly,
Like there is no tomorrow.
Words drawn from the heart,
Lost in the long beak.
With piercing eyes,
A little attention it seeks.
Pauses a second to tell us,
The story of his mother's pain.
Forgets not the cragged branch,
Chisels hard, the Woodpecker again.
Oblivious about the emotions it brings,
Endlessly the Woodpecker sings.
~ Himanshi
It is such a delight to see all the wonderful birds around our house, especially Pileated Woodpeckers.
Securing an appointment for the COVID vaccine in Oregon is a continuous fiasco (CF). I was up very early on Wednesday to meet up with Vincent and Bella. I hopped onto the Walgreens website and easily signed Jeff up for a vaccine appointment! I feel like I won the lottery!
Thank you for your kind comments on my previous blip, "Red Letter Day."
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