Salix gracilistyla 'Mt Aso'
Is looking an absolute treat in the sunshine. I've been waiting days for it to be still enough to get a snap. Today was perfect.
Loaded the car with the loft offerings at Mum's at 9.25, bang on time for arrival at Rowcroft Hospice collection centre in N.A. at 10am ... Off I sped ...arrived at Rowcroft Hospice collection centre only to find it CLOSED. ARGH!!! A polite notice apologising for the closure. They had been inundated with goods. SO I drove back to Tesco's grabbed a few bits then headed for the Teign estuary. I met up with jorgiesmum to go KF spotting. The egrets were very actively feeding on the estuary. I spotted the KF, & snapped it :-), a Rail in amongst the reeds, rats, Longtail tits, blue tits, swans, a very busy Firecrest, & more. A coffee pit stop at Newton Quay then back to the cars. Quite a successful twitch!
Fingers crossed the Rowcroft Hospice collection centre will be open tomorrow morning at 9.30am. If at first you don't succeed ..........
Thanks to Bikerbear for hosting Flower Friday
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