Snapshot family world

By Lightchaser12

Urgent needs

Day off and, thanks God, a sound sleep. Decided to clean one of the disks of my pc and copy the files to a back up disk. At 11 pm a coffee at the take away, annyway we have to support horeca in the small way we can. Met my talking mate Chris , while sipping coffee. Afterwards foodshopping and laundry task at the laundromat. I went to my usual laundromat and found 2 guys just smoking marihuana inside. So i left for another one. I met one police officer and reported the fact. I rarely do this but i couldn t let go. Made a small walk through the city with my cam and after the washing was finished went home. Just some cooking and reading book and of to sleep. Tomorrow waking up at 5PM for early duty.

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