Life with Alice

By elirin

What Do You Mean, Non-essential??

Information has reached me (it was on TV, and there was a dog trying them out!) that the very same dog bakery that made the stuff that was in my very posh birthday box, now sells the Swedish lent bun semla. For dogs. YES!!! I love normal ones, cardamom buns filled with marzipan and whipped cream. But these were filled with liver pâté! Fabulous!! And whipped yoghurt. And coconut flour instead of sugar on top. 

I realise that they would go bad in the mail, so I asked mum if we could go to Stockholm, which is where the bakery is, and get one. And that’s when she said that this would count as non-essential travel. Sigh. 

The cross-country skiing World Championships started today! With the sprint. Sweden won a gold medal!! Brilliant! There is a huge crowd of paper figures in the audience, and we hope ours is there, cheering. We haven’t seen us yet. 

And oh! The motto of the dog bakery is: “Life is short. Spoil your dog.” 

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