The new laser printer
I got it to work, finally! A great deal of time was spent looking at the above diagram, which showed a different model.of printer, and wondering exactly where I was supposed to install the drum and the toner cartridge.
Finally I found a helpful video on YouTube which showed how to release the catches on the side of the unit, in order to open the secret compartment for the components. There were also some explanations of the hieroglyphics on the drum, which I would never have understood without explanation. I don't know who decided, twenty years ago, that we're all visual.learners now, but believe me, I need a sentence or two as well.
I'd ordered the laser printer last week, having tried and failed to order one in January, when delivery wasn't possible. My aim is to print out all the stories I wrote last year and yout them in a filing system until I decide what to do next with them. As a friend pointed out over Christmas, otherwise they'll eventually get lost in a computer failure. I don't have grandchildren, but maybe some of my recent tales could be self published and hawked around, when poetry gigs return. I used to do that sort of thing (she said sadly). In the late 1990s I performed in the poetry tent at Glastonbury two years running and was invited back for a third gig year. I also supported Adrian Mitchell when he performed in Stroud in 2002.
My lockdown printing project can now get under way.
What with the excitement of the new machine, and a virtual trip to Iceland's waterfalls, and a webinar on challenging behaviour in the early years, plus a stab at closing down some ancient web accounts that have apparently been hacked, I didn't do much else. A couple of smaller jobs fell by the wayside. Still, there's always tomorrow: no shortage of them in lockdown!
Oh, and the new printer is twice as large as the previous ink-guzzling inkjet printer, so I've had to rearrange my study. Fortunately I found a smallish trolley that will work as a stand for it. Eventually the desk will go, I want something more like a workbench. It's only because non- essential retail is closed that I've been able to buy my new printer, so I suppose lockdown has done me a favour. Then again, I haven't sold many greetings cards on my non existent stall.
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