Little danglies

We slept well, oxygen off from 4.30 am....we didnt surface then until just after 8.30 :-)

Breakfast on a tray sat in bed...l.llounged watching the cricket u til we got depressed and turned it off lol. Up, showered, dressed and downstairs by 11, out the door for a late morning coffee, sat in the car of course, then a quick visit to Home Bargains and the Sweetie Shop as hubs supplies were a bit depleted ;-)

Just a quick blip from a brief wander outside today, these lovely catkins caught my eye with their bright yellow colours!

Lunch today was sliced hard boiled eggs & ham in a crusty baguette. I had planned to do some cleaning today, but its not happened, so tomorrow is the day lol!

Hub requested prawns pil pil with ciabatta to soak up the garlicky chilli,who was I to turn him down. We really enjoyed it.....we followed it with homemade apple date & sultana crumble with custard :-)

Watched tv, enjoyed the final episode of The Bay :-) now time to call it a day, hubs already gone up! Hes had a pretty good day today overall :-)

More thank yous to you lovely lot for your continued support of my March walking challenge. If you haven't gotten around to it yet and would like to, you can always click on this link :-D

Hope you are all taking care and staying safe!

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