Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

The Magic Number today is: TWO!

It's done! I had my second Covid-19 vaccination this morning!  I had decided to make 'two' the magic number today. So here is the  collage!
- Two vaccinations
- Two men in the barber's shop. (I do love the new trend of Barber's popping up everywhere)
- Two Winter Jasmine on a wall on my way home
-Two Tussilago flowers (from Latin 'Tussis', meaning cough). Cough syrup is made from these plants
- Two cranes doing a ballet on the hospital site. They even added a 2 for me- See below right!
- Two extremely tiny succulent plants in a very small container
- Two tiny heart decorations in the pot. I bought this little pot at the hospital's florist shop to celebrate my second vaccination!

So far, so good!

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