Lala's Journal

By Lala

Mulberry Harbour

A quick snap of the harbour while I walked Dog this afternoon.

This morning was spent on 3 teams classrooms, I’ve managed to make my switch with screen sharing more slick. The children were all from the same year group at the same school, but the classes couldn’t have been more different! The last class were all in school, so I was on their big screen. I had thought that would be easier, but firstly the teacher couldn’t work out how to allow me to present, and hearing the children’s questions when they were all in different parts of the room some a fair way from the microphone and background noise of chairs scraping, pencils dropping, water bottles being clicked open and closed made it more difficult. I will have to get used to it as with schools going back on the 8th, but the castle not opening until May, this is what I have to offer. I did enjoy it though, something different. I’ve cancelled the March bookings to of which asked to be rebooked in June, and taken 2 more virtual bookings, so all in all it’s not bad. The new Making History resource I wrote last week has gone online today.

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