Yet another day of excitement

First of all I need to apologise for getting behind in my Blip work. So a big thank you for your feedback over the last few days and I promise to get back to you shortly.

It’s been a real whirlwind for the last week but calm is beginning to return. All will be revealed shortly but don’t worry Mr and Mrs Chrispy are well.

On the COVID front the COVID map reveals that Southwark is going light green to reflect a drop in the number of cases. Whilst every one is getting excited about exiting Lockdown ( assuming they had taken any notice ) the number of hospital admissions does still look far too high.

The story of my parcel from Poland has now reached a conclusion.
The good news is that at long last the parcel has arrived. There should have been 5 samples in it but the parcel was delivered open with four out of the five missing. Oh dear.

However a piece of material with unicorns, fairies, horses and birds on has arrived and this will be used in my granddaughters story book.

My Blip and first extra provides a French view on the Shard.

The 2nd extra is left for you to ponder about a new adventure in the making.

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