An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Rosemary is the new mint

Now the rosemary is in full flower, the bee action has moved away from the mint (which still has the noisy drone of flies, so I'm happy to keep away from it).

I was gardening near the mint (after mowing the lawn for the first time in many weeks), but every time I heard a native bee, I had to pick up my camera... so not too much gardening done. I took a LOT of shots of a beautiful little black and white striped native that had an orangey/red tip to its abdomen. A different type of leaf cutter? And a tiny, tiny homalictus bee. Too many photos to choose from - but this is the very last of 150 images that I took. It's often the first or the last that gets blipped, it seems!

I photographed both the male and female Blue Banded Bee today - for a while they were flying around together.

I was going to get my son to play his euphonium for me to photograph today - maybe tomorrow.

Bigger proboscis

Becasue of my love of native bees, I have made a new category especially for them in my folio. New ones:
Tiny homalictus bee
Possibly a different type of leaf cutter bee?
A slightly different view of a BBBee
and finally, yesterdays St Andrews spider had a wasp for breakfast

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