Mono Shot

Mono Monday suggested a base of rocks and "overlay" with something.......but I have no idea how to do anything like here are my rocks. When I walk on the beach, I tend to pick up rocks that interest me.....those rocks are placed in bowls......I have no idea what to do with them......but Ellie loves to look through them and sort them in many different ways so I get to enjoy them again and again. 

We had a good day today.....Ellie took her nap when I had to run a few errands...... there were drive thru or car delivery. It worked out well, I got things done and Ellie got an hour nap.

Her grandpa Mike picked Ellie up tonight and she gathered a few things she wanted to take home......books and misc stuff... fine with me. Remember I want to eventually simplify my space.......of course, the risk is that our son's house may become more full of stuff.  :-((  I have told him to either give away or give back anything that is a burden. But Little Miss doesn't forget her "favorite" things and misses whatever I give away. She is learning to deal with her younger toys being given to younger children......she still misses them.  :-))

Now it is getting late so I am off to bed.....I am really tired so I hope I sleep. Goodnight.

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