Tiny Tuesday . . . From the Natural World
I found this insect sitting on a swan plant seed case. I don't know what it is but I was able to get a clear macro shot of it. I think it's rather smart with it's sleek shape. Thank you Pink Haired Lady for being our host this month. In other garden news the forester has just brough in our first bunch of grapes and they are delicious.
Thank you for the compliments on yesterdays blip. I write for myself in the hope that at the end of my days when I'm in the home for the lost and bewildered I can look back and think that woman lead an interesting life. I will have to be dragged into the home mind you. Anyway I am always surprised when you comment on my blips.
Camping was a joy because the weather was fine. The back blips start here Camping at the beach
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