Meet Stanley Jnr

This is my nephew, Stanley, who is 4 months old today. He is named after my Dad. He is the most beautiful, bonny wee boy I have seen in a long time. Gorgeous smile and pretty even temperament as well. (When he DID cry, Sarah passed him back to his mummy very quickly - I don't have the maternal instinct that makes me want to coo over babies anymore!)

Lovely afternoon at my Dads, with my (step) sister Laura, her hubby (Adam) and their two kids, baby Stanley and Eve, who is just fantastic! And for the record, Laura and Ad are quite possibly the best parents I know - they are so good with their kids, attentive, loving, supportive of each other - and still somehow seem to make it look effortless. Both of them are relatively young (compared to me - Ad's 28 in November and I think Laura is 24 or 25 this year) and have gone through major traumas in the past 4 years, but they are just so level headed. I have so much respect for them, its untrue.

Dad and Ann put on a lovely buffet for us all, including the biggest homemade fishcakes I have ever seen!

Anyway, it was difficult to choose which image I liked most of this cute little man, so I compiled 3.

Others from today...

Sleepy time

Pink hearts, leaves and water droplets

Time for tea - been marinating some beef in ginger, soy sauce, brandy and chilli for the last hour or so...time to get the wok out and create a blue haze in the kitchen...its the way forward.

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