The dropped stitch

By Bodkin

Blue sky. Thinking.

Today was the first day of the Rural Housing Scotland annual conference. I went to three sessions on community-led housing, one of which included our very own Hope Cohousing project.

Last year we travelled to Perthshire to attend the conference. The 2021 event has become a 'Summit' - one of those interesting effects of the pandemic. Moving online has allowed people from anywhere in the world to join the audience. 

It was fascinating to hear of the different experiences of community-led housing groups in England, Scotland and Wales. Scotland is very much the poor relation. Community-led housing groups in England can access both support and many different sources of funding.

I also learnt about Scottish Empty Homes officers who do great work bringing empty properties back into use.

All very interesting and thought-provoking.... and then I had to do some work and a shop for food. 

Rather a busy day.


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