It was certainly slippery after the freezing rain yesterday, with the temperature at about -10°C all day, but no one called to ask for gritting their road or yard, so I brought some logs home instead.
In the evening digitizing some slides. I have been doing it occasionally for five weeks now, with almost 900 slides done. That's about 30% of all the framed slides I have, if my guesstimate of their number is right. Adjusting lighting and removing dust bunnies in Lightroom is way behind, but I'm happy that I can now browse through them on the computer.
One flaw the slide copying attachment has is that the Cokin filter holder is quite wobbly, so I must be careful to center the slide well enough and avoid shake. A tighter method to attach it to the lens would be good to have, but I'm this far and I think I'll continue with it as it is.
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