Learning day by day

By EmmaF

The grin!

The grin was from ear to ear when Marianela Nunez praised her by name for some exercise they were doing. Marianela being one of her idols. This was a bonus class for Carys, a pay as you go, open class through zoom. With about 70 participants you can understand why she was extremely pleased to be spoken to personally and more than once. She enjoyed it so much that she has asked to do it again next week. This sort of thing is the silver lining of this Covid mess, Carys would have never believed this time last year she would be taught by Marianela, particularly as she was always pretty dumbstruck when she saw her at stage door.

Later she had a contemporary class with Angela Towler who teaches at Royal Ballet Upper School. Her normal teacher, Didy, was unavailable as she was rehearsing.

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