Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

The cheeseboard

There was plenty of cheese left from yesterday's lunch. I do like a nice selection. It is usual to name the selection to guests so I will do the same here: at the back from left to right a Bleu de Bresse and an Etorki (sheep's cheese), in the middle a Brie de Meaux and at the front an Ossau-Iraty (a Basque sheep's cheese), a creamy fromage de chèvre (goat's cheese) and finally a St Agur blue. 
We had seven for ringing this morning and later I was able to get out for a longer walk up towards the next village. I listened to Andrew Marr and at last heard a proper challenge to the criminal law ruling regarding government contracts awarded for PPE and the lack of due diligence and the fast track favouring of ministerial chums. I don't know where the BBC has been recently but it seems to be doing its best not to upset the government rather than asking the questions that matter.

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