Pethau Bychain

Pethau Bychain ~ Little Things

Gwnewch y pethau bychain” or “Do the little things” are considered to be his most famous words, and potentially his final ones. St David believed that the people of Wales should do the small, considerate things that often make a big difference
-- 'St David's Day facts: 19 facts about the Welsh saint and traditions, Jo-Anne Rowney, Daily Mirror, 2019-03-01

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Dydy e ddim Dydd Gŵyl Dewi eto, ond pan rydw i'n gweld Cennin Pedr, rydw i'n cofio Dewi Sant a'i geiriau “Gwnewch y pethau bychain”.  Does rhaid i ni ddim yn aros am Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi i wneud y pethau bychain sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth.

Roed Daniel yn ôl i'r gwaith heddiw am y tro cyntaf ar ôl ers iddo fe symud. Pan roedd e'n allan gwnaethon ni meddwl bydden ni'n gwneud rhai o bethau bychain ac yn gorffen tacluso ac yn cael gwared ar flychau gwag y symudwr. Pan roedd Daniel yn cyrraedd adre ar ôl ei sifft, roedd e'n roedd yn falch iawn gyda'r newid.

Mae dydd Sul a dydd Llun yn 'penwythnos' Daniel, felly mae dau ddiwrnod gyda fe tan fynd i'r gwaith am wythnos llawn.

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It's not St David's Day yet, but when I see Daffodils, I remember St David and his words "Do the little things". We don't have to wait for St David's Day to do the little things that make a difference.

Daniel went back to work today for the first time after he moved. When he was out we thought we would do some small things and finish tidying up and removing the mover's empty boxes. When Daniel arrived home after his shift, he was very pleased with the change.

Sunday and Monday are Daniel's 'weekend', so he has two days until he goes to work for a full week.

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