A Stroll along the Seafront

Lockdown 3 - Day 47

We went to Seaford for a stroll along the seafront this morning and it was surprisingly busy, but then it was a nice morning and we headed out later than planned.  The car park was full, so we parked near these little cottages and I noticed the old street sign - we've been coming here for a long time, and it's the first time I've actually noticed it!

We walked all the way to Splash Point and as we were walking back Sandra and Lu had just parked up and spotted us, so we stopped for a chat which was nice, and then a little further along we bumped into Robert, Alan's old boss - he was out for walk with his wife, so we had a chat with them too.

On our way home we stopped at Sainsbury's so I could get the weekly shop, and I was surprised to see the queue to get in, it's back to how it was in the first lockdown, but it didn't take long to get inside and to be honest it's much better as the store wasn't too crowded.  They're also only allowing one member of a family to shop, unless you're helping an elderly person or have a child with you.  I think this is a good idea, as really why do you both need to go shopping?  I bought some warm Cornish Pasties for lunch which we ate in the car, they were really nice!

Once home and shopping put away, we decided to make a start on the solicitor's forms which we actually received at 10pm last night!  On checking through them, the purchase forms were for the wrong house, so I replied to let them know, not expecting a response until Monday, but an hour later we had the corrected forms.  It was a very long winded process and due to Covid we had to upload our ID on the portal which also took our photographs, we had to create a digital signature, upload lots of documents relating to the sale and then completed all the forms digitally.  It's a very good system bearing in mind that the solicitors are working remotely and therefore it's not possible to have a face to face meeting, but it took a long time, and apart from breaking off for dinner, we were at it from about 4pm until 10pm!  Anyway, all documents are now completed and returned, and we now just have to arrange a video call with the solicitor, so I'll speak to her on Monday. 

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