Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

I went quite far today!

JR was late to her 9am zoom fitness class, but it was just her pals running it, so it didn’t matter. The proper ones don’t let you join in late. 

Archie was going out with Elizabeth, and JR was going to have a restful day, so, as I had done absolutely nothing yesterday, I decided to take myself off to a new part of town again, by bus. 

Leith was my destination. It always looks calm on a misty moisty morning. I discovered a wee cafe in a lane, with folk sitting around under a tent. The flat white was splendid! 

I was disappointed to see how badly this wall art has weathered (Extra 1). I photographed it a few years ago when it was new and perfect. After my coffee I wandered over to see my pal Sandy (Extra 2). He has weathered well.

The queue round the cake shop was SO LONG! But I resisted, until, on the way home I picked up a couple of pastries.

I listened to three ABC ‘Conversations’ podcasts while I was out. All of them really interesting. We’re watching a French series at the mo - a wee bit silly, but it’s the chap from Spiral, and French is always lovely to listen to.

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