Ash Keys

Today has passed in a bit of a blur.  I was finding it really difficult to concentrate on anything for any length of time.  My afternoon was full of calls and then I had to finish off a couple of things.  One of the last emails I sent tonight will really annoy the recipient.  He is really trying to push us to do something that isn’t possible and while I am all for pushing the boundaries there are some rules that we have to stick by.  I thought I had reached a compromise this morning, by finding a solution for this chap, but then he comes back and pushed again on something else.  I did explore it further – but have told him we can’t help and he will have to do something himself, which he doesn’t seem to want to do.  Grrr!!!  Some people are just too annoying.
I went for a wee walk after tea to get the annoying person out of my head.
I spotted these ash keys, still hanging on, on my lunchtime walk.

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