Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

T-Wood and Caerketton Craigs

A dull St. Valentine's Day. My partner is working at the hospital, so I am on my lonesome. As I know it is set to get warmer during the day, I opt for a morning walk up to Swanston. The snow is no longer powdery, and has a rather damp squeaky feel as I walk over it. The melt has really started yet. No sledging in the park today. The conditions are still quite cold and wintry above Swanston. I take the slightly higher path to give me a different view of the T-Wood and Caerketton Hill. Then it is back home for lunch.

In the afternoon, I for a shorter walk. It is quite a bit warmer, the snow has melted off the trees in the park (Extra). I stop off at the local off licence for some wine, then head home to watch skiing and have afternoon coffee.

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