
By Mindseye

All by myself

A rubbish nights sleep for me, still awake at 3....just couldnt get off, hub faired a little better thankfully. Almost 9 by the time I woke up eventually, felt a bit groggy mind you :-/

Breakfast on a tray, consumed sat in bed.....before I went to do my hair etc...its taking far too long to style at the mo, but short of taking the scissors to it myself, not a lot I can do! When I did go downstairs hub actually said "you've been a long time" lol.

We had an earlyish light lunch of cheese on toast before heading out for hubs scan at 1.30pm. Got there with time to spare, dropped him off at 1. Took myself off to a nearby park that someone had recommended for a walk, camera in tow, in the hope of a nice blip for today. Didnt work out that way.....the park was more "playing fields" with lots of families and dog walkers, it being half term of course, so I decided it wasn't the best of ideas.....drove around its circumference a couple of times looking for a car park, didnt appear to be one, so gave up after half an hour or so, and went to Maggies instead, where I knew a warm welcome & a brew awaited :-)

Hub rang after an hour or so, all done, but he was asked to wait as somone from " our team" was going to have a word with him. He wanted me to be there, so I said to let me know once he knew what was happening. Another hour passed, I tried contacting our nurse, to no avail. Eventually hub called me to say he was ready.....He'd been talking to the On Call Doctor, who happened to be the doc who had looked after him quite a lot whilst he was in hospital before Christmas.

I picked him up and he filled me in, nothing untoward. Hubs case had been the subject of a multi disciplinary team meeting this morning....results of CT scan on 6/2 showed further reduction, so even smaller now :-) We will get full results and chat re next steps & options at his review meeting on Monday afternoon with his consultant.

Back home via Costa, we noth needed a drink, thoroughly enjoyed it too! Then back home just before 5..... I popped nextdoor to collect a few groceries that they had pucked up for us.

Made a quick chicken & bacon pasta bake, topped with parmesan for dinner this evening.

The groceries included 2 bunches of daffodils, which I love at this time of year, so bright and cheerful......well, they will be when they open up! This one bloom is all alone at the moment, but looking lovely and perfect for Flower Friday :-)

Not much on tv tonight to get excited about, currently watching football, again....think we are about to carhc up on The Bay, which we are enjoying.

Weekend again, enjoy it, be safe all.

I am very grateful to everyone who has supported me in aid of Cancer Research, despite not having started my walking yet!
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