Food Photography

It seems like months since I have been asked to photograph any new dishes at work, but today I've been doing some pics for a new piece of packaging and another (to be revealed) project.

I have to say that I have grown to love many genres of photography....landscape, street, portraits etc., but food is right up there.
I have missed it so much!

My 13th Anniversary Thing.
I just wanted to use tonight's post as an opportunity to say thank you so much to everyone who left me a message on my 13th Blipfoto anniversary yesterday. 
I got past the whole numbers followed by a big speech thing many years ago, but if you think that means I don't appreciate your kindness and support you'd be very wrong. I enjoy blipping as much today as I did when I started, possibly even more, and this place would be nothing without the friends I have made on this journey.

I will thank everyone individually as I always do over the coming days!

Have a great weekend!

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