
By Munni

Hellebore in Need of Rescue

I woke up tired this morning, but - as I had a deadline today and a project to finish - worked until the late afternoon. 

Then went out into the garden to find a blip that's not a cat. 
There isn't much to see yet. Our crocuses are still a no-show, the white hellebore didn't flower at all this year, and the snowdrops are just tiny buds. But I found this hellebore plant in a shady corner of our back garden where its dark violet flowers are really hard to see. 

Why our predecessors planted it there, I don't quite understand, but I am not surprised -  they had an altogether haphazard approach to gardening, and we already moved or took out most of the plants they left us with.

So, although Hellebores don't like to be moved,  I need to find a better place for this dark beauty, once its flowers are gone. 

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